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How to Obtain a Homeschool Transcript


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A high school transcript lays out what courses a student has completed, what credits they have obtained, and what grades they have received. Students homeschooled through an umbrella school or correspondence school will often receive a transcript from that institution, as will students homeschooled through a virtual charter school or online public school. In contrast, parents who homeschool their children independently, using a curriculum that they create or assemble on their own (without the supervision of an umbrella school), are responsible for creating their children’s high school transcripts themselves.

Students from Home Schooling Programs or Private Schools: Credits earned through homeschooling programs and private schools will not be calculated for GPA and class rank by the district. Students must provide documentation of enrollment and completion of courses in order to get credit.

Students are required to submit a transcript and supportive documents such as the instruction and the curriculum being used when enrolling for high school. Our college and counseling department uses students’ transcripts, which include the student’s GPA and information on what courses they have taken, to create students` schedules and their eligibility for next level courses.

Texas Homeschool Laws 2019

According to the Leeper case, the only requirements to homeschool in Texas are: 

  • The instruction must be bona fide (i.e., not a sham).
  • The curriculum must be in visual form (e.g., books, workbooks, video monitor).
  • The curriculum must include the five basic subjects of reading, spelling, grammar, mathematics and good citizenship.
    • Good citizenship is similar to civics. Public schools teach one semester of civics, usually in the senior year of high school. Teaching U.S. and Texas history, government (theoretical and practical), the Pledge of Allegiance, and similar activities will also help meet this requirement. THSC provides several ways to help you meet this requirement (see resource box below).

How do I provide a transcript for my child? 

There are several sources for transcript template kits and/or software that you can simply fill in based on your own grading records.

THSC members have a transcript template as a member benefit.

Transcripts should include the following information:

    • Student’s name and social security number
    • School name
    • Courses completed
    • Grading scale used
    • Grade on each course
    • Grade point for each semester
    • Cumulative grade point average (GPA) at the end of each year and at the end of high school
    • Dates of completion
    • Scores of any achievement tests (e.g., SAT and/or ACT) with the scores for each section and the cumulative score
    • Graduation date
    • Credits earned and weight of each credit (You can assign the number of credits you think is appropriate for each class.)
    • Volunteer work
    • Extracurricular activities and awards earned.

You should sign your name at the bottom as the administrator of the school and date it. You might even want to get it notarized if you wish.

NOTE: Please note that creating a schedule for next year will NOT be completed without providing required documents such as a transcript, an instruction and a curriculum being used when enrolling for high school. 